The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #628521
Posted By: GUEST,Cathy Christian
15-Jan-02 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
I got tired of reading about half way down the thread so I don't suppose anyone will read this.

Giving presents for Christmas is a relatively new idea. Before that, gifts were given at New Year's and Christmas was spent in church at mass giving thanks for the coming of The Christ - or at Christ Mass. I study Elizabethan England and there are many stories about Elizabeth I making presents for her family for New Years (mostly translations of religious text handwritten).

Christmas is a religious holiday celebrating the birth of The Christ. Nothing more or less. Humans have made it into this mass marketing giant. And for that we will pay.