The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43107   Message #628839
Posted By: Jimmy C
16-Jan-02 - 01:49 AM
Thread Name: MORE ON de-Xing Xmas - continued
Subject: RE: MORE ON de-Xing Xmas - continued
Mrrzy , you responded to Conan that " the general response to Jimmy C's wasn't Let's ignore this, it's that it isn't relevant to THIS thread.". I was under the impression that the initial posting was about de-christianizing Christmas. My response was very plain. i.e. if you don't want to celebrate Christmas, then dont. Celebrate whatever you want but don't call it Christmas. I also don't see why you feel that you are getting Christmas "shoved down your throat". you have the freedom to ignore that which you don't want. What do you expect from a nation that is considered a christian country. I can't turn on the Tv without being inundated with ads for alcohol, cars, female companions, male companions,etc. Even driving the highways we are faced with billboards advertising hundreds of different products and services, all day in and day out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, I won't even go into telemarketing. But in all these cases I have a choice to make, do I pay attention to them or do I ignore them. I would certainly do the same for Christmas if I was that way inclined. My point was that you cannot take Christ out of Christmas or else you would not have Christmas. You can't take the green out of March 17th or else it is not St. Patrick's day. If I wanted to have a famiy celebration without it being considered a Christmas celebration then I would not pick Dec 25th. Kids are off school at week-ends, summer vacations, March break etc, and other times during the year. I do agree with you about the commercialism of Christmas but I get away from it for a while by spending some quiet time in church reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas. I hope this does not come acroos as a sermon, it ios not my intention to preach, I just feel the answer is very simple, if you don't want to be a part of it , don't be a part of it ?.

Best wishes anyway.