A great thread - thanks to all. I thought I'd pass on the verse I end the song on:"The cock it crows at break of day/Just as the sun was rising/but ne'er a note will Barbara hear/for deeps the grave she lies in/For deep's the grave she lies in."
Isn't that nice? I prefer it to the "rose & briar" theme. It was made by Kirstie Shoolbraid, now of Saltspring Is., BC. The version I sing is from Murray Shoolbraid and it's essentially the Ransay "Tea Table Miscellany" version (with the repeating last line). Our aural ballad collection here (Vancouver Ballad Group) has dubbed 18 versions: quite a few, except whern you remember that Bronson found (and printed) 198 versions. Without actually doing any thinking about it, I've always assumed that the "bloody sark" of Ewan and others is evidence of his having, and dying from, TB. I can't say I'm attracted to the Graves witch idea: I think it raises more questions than it answers. I'm off right now to read what the estimable Bruce O. has on his always fascinating site.