The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1797   Message #6293
Posted By:
05-Jun-97 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Pecos Bill
Subject: Lyrics? Ballad of Pecos Bill
I'm looking for more lyrics to the Ballad of Pecos Bill. Here are the lyrics that I can recall. I know I've heard lots of other verses.

Once a raging cyclone came up out of nowhere
Pecos roped it and he saddled it with ease
An' while that cyclone bucked and flitted
Pecos rolled a smoke and lit it
And he tamed that ornery wind down to a breeze

Yippee-aye-ay, Yippee-aye-o
For the toughest cowboy north of Mexico

Once a band of rustlers stole a herd of cattle
But they didn't know the herd they took was Bill's
And when he caught up with those villains
Pecos knocked out all their fillin's
And they say that's why there's gold in them thar hills