The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43174 Message #629707
Posted By: Bobert
17-Jan-02 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: The HIGH cost of 'Free' Speech in USA
Subject: RE: BS: The HIGH cost of 'Free' Speech in USA
Yeah, ol' hillbilly bobert has been more than just a little concerned about feeding frenzy mentality of these supposed 85% of the Ameican people that think that Bush is doing a good job. Yes, when you get that kind of a lynch mob lathered up it's pretty scarey to me part of a small minority who feel otherwise. If you don't agree with the Bush/Cheney regime you will be painted as a traitor, terrorist or demon. They have the microphone and they are using it as a weapon. Tom Daschele stood up a couple of weeks ago against Bush's latest scheme to pay back his sponsors and guess what. The Sunday talk shows were filled with members of the runling class all singing the same "Dashele is a demon" song. Yep, this is exactly what they are going to do. They have telegraphed their punches and all too many are aimed directly at 1st Ammendment issues...