The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9647   Message #62983
Posted By: John Moulden
14-Mar-99 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The False Fly
Subject: RE: The False Fly
The version of the "False Knight on the Road" which started this thread was collected in 1975/6 by Angela Bourke from Brid an Gamha of Carna, [Joe Heaney's homeplace] Co Galway. It is probably in the Folklore collection at University College Dublin. Barry Gleeson, Dublin sings it also.

The genesis and development of the false, false fly, chorus is interesting - do the various extant versions give any clear idea of how it happened?

The singer of the version on the Caedmon/Topic "Folksongs of Britain" series was Frank Quinn of Coalisland, Co Tyrone. His brother Edward was the source of the rollicking version of the Jug of Punch, though that wasn't how he sang it.

John Moulden