The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9606   Message #63009
Posted By: j0_77
14-Mar-99 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Subject: RE: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
I'm out in the boonies so I rarely get to try any of these wonderfull instruments. Just a thought - mostly I find Rosewood boxes too harsh and even tried a Maple -but again did not like it that much. I notice some of the better records of folk Guitar are made not with Gibson or Martin but with some of the Instruments listed above. I do know Doc W played a Gallagher (Mahogany) on some of his recordings and if a I wuz a wannabe I would be aiming at that happy sound. Sooo if given the chance I would love to get hold of a 'vintage' Gallagher.

Feed your Guitar on home made music - it's good for their health :)