The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9647   Message #63031
Posted By: John Moulden
14-Mar-99 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The False Fly
Subject: RE: The False Fly
Good heavens; how one is side-tracked - I've spent a fruitless evening looking for the Gibberlan reference and entirely forgotten the point of this thread - which is of course the WORDS - so that they can be sung. Enough of this academic foolery; sing!

The first line of the final stanza of the False Fly as sung by Barry Gleeson - I don't have Maireadh's recording - is:

"Then he went all on fire did the false, false, fly with the lovely little child on the road"

Bruce - when I come across the Gibberland ref. I'll let you know - it has words - how complete I don't remember - but it gives the tunes some point.

I don't really deserve any accolades - I took my eye off the ball - and it's really no credit to live at the origin.
