The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9606   Message #63179
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
15-Mar-99 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Subject: RE: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.

You bring up an issue with which I struggle. Baltimore just acquired two "big box" music stores, MARS and "Guitar (something)". As you note, they offer some nice discounts on guitars. I have spent a few hours in their acoustic rooms and they are very tolerant of people "trying out" guitars.

Growing up in a small town (outside of Baltimore) I have valued building a relationship with local stores. So I buy at Appalacian and also my local dealer (Coffey Music) when I can, knowing that I might get a cheaper deal at MARS, etc. I don't know anybody at MARS (despite the hours spent there), but I have a talking relationship with people at the two "little" stores.

If, one day, I get money together for that Taylor 814CE that prices above $2000, where will I go to buy. They are available at all four stores. Will my relationship with Emory at Appalacian or Mike at Coffey's carry the day. How much money saved at MARS is worth putting another nail in the coffin of the small businessmen? I don't know.

BK, you noted you were just passing through and therefore I think price is the object, because you are not establishing a relationship. But what might you do in your home town? Any opinions from others?

Roger in Baltimore