The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9647 Message #63200
Posted By: Bruce O.
15-Mar-99 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The False Fly
Subject: RE: The False Fly
The full text version of "The False Knight upon the Road" in the Introduction to 'Minstrelsy: Ancient and Modern' (Child #3A) was that from a Mrs Dole or Doll of Galloway. Except for spelling it is identical to that in Emily Lyle's 'Andrew Crawfurd's Collection of Ballads', I, #31, where she notes, p. 213, that it was in Motherwell's introduction. [Crawfurd and Motherwell got songs from many of the same sources, often through Thomas MacQueen. Andrew Blaikie collected 10 of Thomas's sister Mary MacQueen's tunes and gave them in the Appendix of Motherwell's 'Minstrelsy'. See Emily Lyle's book for these. For the cassettte tape of Mary MacQueen's ballads to her tunes see the introduction on my website homepage.]