The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43259   Message #632096
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
21-Jan-02 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Folk Music of the Future
Subject: RE: BS: Folk Music of the Future
500 years in the future eh? Who knows what. I think it was one of Michael Moorcocks books (Count Brass possibly?) that had four ships named after the horsemen of the Apocolypse, Jhon, Powell, Jorge and Rhungu. the flagship of the fleet was named after the mighty God, Arral Vilsun. (Spellings probably wrong but sentiment the same!) The funniest one though was in the another one of his (Dancers at the end of time) - 'Lake Billy the Kid. Named after the famous astronaut and entrepreneur of the 20th century who gained his name because he had the hindquarters of a goat...' ;-)

It would be nice to know wouldn't it!

David Bellamy is actualy a botanist btw, Jon, but I know what you mean. Probably came from the flower power era...?


Dave the Gnome