The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43328   Message #632220
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
21-Jan-02 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: New Mudcat room for Sundays
Subject: New Mudcat room for Sundays
OK - I went to Paltalk and found out why we don't have a password protected room that holds more folks - $50.00 a month and the limit there is 25! More than I am ready to pay. I figured if it was $15.00 or under I'd do it just to have the space. Maybe when I win the lottery.

So I made a new room. Liz is correct in that the Admins can, and will, bounce trouble makers. I called it "Norton1's Live Acoustic Music." Pretty original eh? I also put a paragraph in about what type of music we'll take, made it G rated for the kids and family who would come to listen, and am going to be in need of a couple of Admins who are willing to be there on Sundays from 11 - 3 at a minimum.

The name is only to get the room as I can amend anything. I had to go through the process in order to find out the costs and what it is all about. They have an extensive list of rules and things - and you know what a hassle it can be to wend your way through it to simply reinstall - so this is the starting place. I was reluctant to name the room "The Mudcat" as I don't have the authority to use that name. Maybe one of the Joe Clones or Max could give us some direction on this aspect.

So please give me some feedback about what you'd like this room to be and what name you want for it. I'll do the modifying and take down names for Admins. Anything I've forgotten - well let me know.
