The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43328   Message #632404
Posted By: Jon Freeman
21-Jan-02 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: New Mudcat room for Sundays
Subject: RE: New Mudcat room for Sundays
Steve - room names... When I started the Hearme room (not the original which was started by Max as a result of a suggestion from JAB but the 1st workable music room we had - no timeouts, etc.) , I was worried about using the Mudcat name and did not use it but Aine took over later and the name became the "Mudcat Song Circle".

When it became clear that Hearme were no longer interested in providing the free rooms I got involved again and we moved onto Paltalk. I used the name that Aine had established in Hearme. This name is up for grabs - maybe you would like to change to the original name for a Mudcat Paltalk room.
