The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9606   Message #632405
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
21-Jan-02 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Subject: RE: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.

The beauty of the Feiten tuning is that capoing is so easy. With the guitar in tune with itself there appears to be no changes necessary as I move the capo around the neck area. I've gone as high as the 10th fret with no audible difference in being in tune. Before I had to retune every time I changed where the capo was located.

It does require a special tuner though - a Korg DT - 7.

Riley - Welcome to the Cat. Searching for a new guitar has been an ongoing thing for me over the past 20+ years. It wasn't until I hit this space in time that I started figuring out what sound I liked and what woods came close enough to make that sound. I'm having one built for me. I know the tree the Mahogany is coming from and the luthier and I have been friends for many years. After all of the playing and researching I have a pretty good idea of what I want now. You are right about having one jump in your lap and saying "ME ME ME" as that is what happened with myself.
