The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43308   Message #632491
Posted By: GUEST,BDtheQB
21-Jan-02 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why did the Cat Come Back???
Subject: RE: BS: Why did the Cat Come Back???
It is quite obvious why the feline repeatedly returned to the scene of the crimes against itself. It needs to be in the thick of things. As Freud mentioned in his treatise "Why Cats Return Even When Their Presence is Not Desired".. page 109 paragraph 3. Cats are prone to return to the scene of uncomfortableness, because they are curious. They can not believe that any real person does not wish to have them around. After all cats are the most beautiful of all of gods creatures and it makes no sense that they would not be welcome anywhere. This, is of course, the first time we have come across the wizardry of Id and Ego. This particular feline was of great service to me in my early work and indeed explained to me the actual meaning of Ego all the while denying that it applied to him. But you see the cat came back to do research... Dogs are man's best friend but cats think they RULE...