The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43231   Message #632531
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Jan-02 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: I am turning into Rick Fielding
Subject: RE: I am turning into Rick Fielding
Nimoy, you have no idea... Your logical mind is a mere tinker toy machine next to the supermind, which deals in direct perception of reality, rather than primitive logical deduction. This is the source from which spring both revelation and Absolute Knowledge of Reality, on any level whatsoever. Vulcans appear to be incapable of it, probably for reasons of cultural brainwashing rather than out of a lack of native ability. As far as that goes, most humans are more or less incapable of it too, most of the time. I recommend some advanced Yogic training from a self-realized master to break down the barriers.

Dylan is indeed a Gemini.

Stretchy lycra? I'll see what I can do...

- LH