The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43371   Message #633012
Posted By: SharonA
22-Jan-02 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
Subject: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
Here's a link to part 1 of this discussion: BS: Rush Limbaugh

I see on the news that Rush Limbaugh announced on his program yesterday that his cocclear (sp?) implant is in, and working, and that he has about 80% hearing in one ear (still none in the other).

Saw a "Good Morning America" segment this morning in which it was said that the cause of his deafness is an autoimmune disease, treated with steroids such as prednisone where possible but still able to render a person profoundly deaf in a matter of a couple of months.

His doctor was interviewed about the implant procedure; apparently it involves having a sort of microphone apparatus attached to one's head behind the ear, which in turn connects to the implant inside the head. What I want to know is: what happens when the implantee showers, or washes his hair? When you detach the microphone from the head, is there a hole?

Here are links to the story as related on Limbaugh's "Drudge Report": Drudg e Report January 21, 2002