The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43283   Message #633446
Posted By: M.Ted
22-Jan-02 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! A SIMPLE Cornbread recipe please.
Subject: RE: BS: Help! A SIMPLE Cornbread recipe please.
Most of the real "Southern" recipes are really european peasant cuisine of one kind or another, often with available ingredients substituted--

And Mary, you overlooked the olive oil, hardly a Yankee staple--the best way to serve the greens and beans is over polenta, which some of you may call corn meal mush--if I feel like it, a couple of anchovies give a nice flavor to the greens--

One thing I'll bring up though, is that the old folks. though they lived on corn meal and beans, tended to complain about it, and went to eating canned foods and packaged of all sorts, when they became available--