The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43328 Message #634290
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
23-Jan-02 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: New Mudcat room for Sundays
Subject: RE: New Mudcat room for Sundays
Good points both of you -
I'll change the rating to an R to accomodate those word issues.
If you'd sing it around your kids then it is OK I think - it still leaves a lot of grey area but several folks mentioned inviting family and friends to listen - What would you prefer they heard? A bawdy ballad is a whole different chunk of change than a string of "R" rated words strung together -
I don't have a lot of experience so my premise is use some common sense. I believe we are all adults, all capable of making mistakes, and are doing this to have fun and entertain each other. And I think the two sessions we've had so far are typical of what we should expect -
I'm modeling this to a degree on how KatRose runs her room. She will cut you some slack but if you maintain a negative air you are out - She expects courteous adult behavior - I think we should also.