The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43473   Message #635175
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Jan-02 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: What do we know about Sicily?
Subject: RE: What do we know about Sicily?
Mario Puzo did a fairly good post-Godfather novel called the "Sicilian" which, while fiction, gave a good idea of the land itself and the culture, for the time period in which it was placed.

Can you ask the woman who wants to come back, why she wants to leave there, what she likes/dislikes about it? More info on the people, culture, practical things, such as the local music scene, customs, etc.?

My old Laton book has an incredible illustration of people fleeing Mt. Etna and photos of dug up artifacts. That would be fascinating to be able to explore.

Good luck!
