The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43495   Message #635453
Posted By: GUEST
25-Jan-02 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Am I Missing Something Here?
Subject: Am I Missing Something Here?
This has come up recently in two threads--the ethnic/cultural assumptions of some folks here.

Over in one thread this week, someone suggested there might be cultural differences between British drinking folk and American drinking folk. Just now, in the showmanship thread, Murray points out that we have all forgotten it is Burns' Night tonight.

Is it me, or are there some pretty hefty cultural assumptions being made in Mudcat about who "we" are here?

My ancestry is French and Polish. I'm an American citizen. Yet there seems to be this assumption that we are all good Brits or Celts (well, yes I am Breton--but not a British Breton!) both sides the pond?

Really, am I supposed to take care to notice that it is Burns' Night, or that the British lads like their drinks at the sing-around down at the local?