The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43495   Message #635612
Posted By: Rick Fielding
25-Jan-02 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Am I Missing Something Here?
Subject: RE: BS: Am I Missing Something Here?
I've been wondering why none of the Americans here ever seem to take notice of BEAVER DAY. OK, so I'm just a small time parochial Canuck, but BEAVER DAY has been a very important holiday for my family through at least five generations. Just to remind the other Canadians here that because BEAVER DAY falls on a Saturday this year (Jan 26) the traditional 'decorating the beaver' ritual has to be finished by midnite tonight.

As most Scots will certainly know, along with the traditional BEAVER DAY feast (Cream of wheat mixed with Pemican and Salt Cod) left over haggis from Robbie Burns day, is usually thrown into the blender and whipped up with beer and dandelion greens.

So everyone (Yanks and Brits included) Have a wonderful BEAVER DAY
