The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1814 Message #6365
Posted By:
06-Jun-97 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: Francis James Child, BALLADS - recordings?
Subject: RE: Francis James Child, BALLADS
Randy, It sounds like the Child ballads are new to you. You should know that Child collected these songs not as "correct" specimens,but as examples of a living oral tradition. Many variants exist and they are all valid, if you hear a song referred to by a Child number, it's only an arbitrary identification. Most good folk song collections contain Child ballads. But to the core of your question, if you yourself don't sing, find someone to sing them for you! Many printed collections are available, and anyone who can carry a tune and likes to sing can let you hear these songs the way they were meant to be heard. Good luck. Cathub.