The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39309   Message #636688
Posted By: GUEST,John Collyer
27-Jan-02 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Subject: RE: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Hi all I've just come in on this thread so a bit late. Never mind, for what its worth I have several very nice guitars collected over many years. The current inventory is a 1980 Custom CFM D-45, a recent CFM D-18VS (slope shoulder 12 fretter), a 1980 Custom CFM OM -28 herringbone Brazilian, a CFM 000-15S, a Collings OM-3, and a Tom Mates Custom 12 string in Brazilian and cedar.

My favourite? Well if I could only take one to my desert island it would have to be the CFM OM-28. Its power, projection and cut are simply breathtaking.

In value for money terms nothing, but nothing comes close to the plain Jane of the set....the Martin 000-15S. A sensational guitar and one year ago it cost just £650 new with a hard case. John Collyer