The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43559   Message #636888
Posted By: masato sakurai
27-Jan-02 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Cavaliers of Dixie

"This song, which was very popular with the Southern troops, was written by Benjamin F. Porter. It was sung to the old tune, 'Ye Mariners of England,' which was composed in the eighteenth century by John Wall Collcott, an English organist."

Ye Cavaliers of Dixie!
Who guard the Southern shores,
Whose standards brave the battle storm
Which o'er our border roars
Your glorious sabers draw once more,
And charge the Northern foe;
And reap their columns deep,
And reap their columns deep,
And reap their columns deep,

Where the raging tempests blow,
Where the raging tempests blow,
And the iron hail in floods descends,
And the bloody torrents flow.

Ye Cavaliers of Dixie!
Though dark the tempest lower,
What arms will wear the tyrant's chains
What dastard heart will cower?
Bright o'er the night a sign shall rise
To lead to victory!
And your swords reap their hordes,
Where the battle tempests blow;
Where the iron hail in floods descends,
And the bloody torrents flow.

The South! she needs no ramparts,
No lofty towers to shield;
Your bosoms are her bulwarks strong,
Breastworks that never yield!
The thunders of your battle blades
Shall sweep the servile foe;
While their gore stains the shore,
Where the battle tempests blow;
Where the iron hail in floods descends,
And the bloody torrents flow.

The battle-flag of Dixie
With crimson field shall flame;
Her azure cross and silver stars
Shall light her sons to flame!
When peace with olive-branch returns,
That flag's white folds shall glow
Still bright on every height,
When strom has ceased to blow,
And the battle tempests roar no more;
Nor the bloody torrents flow.

O, battle-flag of Dixie!
Long, long, triumphant wave!
Where'er the storms of battle roar,
Or victory crowns the brave!
The Cavaliers of Dixie!
In woman's song shall glow
The flame of your name,
When the storm has ceased to blow,
When the battle tempests rage no more
Nor the bloody torrents flow.

SOURCE: Edward Arthur Dolph, "Sound Off!": Soldier Songs From Yakee Doodle to Parley Voo (Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, 1929), pp. 228-231 (with music).
