The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43567   Message #637152
Posted By: catspaw49
28-Jan-02 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Subject: RE: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Well I notice the 'Browns' didn't make it and I attribute this to the segregationist policy of separate but equal still alive in the NFL. Although they portray an attitude of equality, once again it becomes a matter of color! The Browns are given all the same things that others get but are in a separate category and banished to Cleveland. Cleveland is proud of it's Brown heritage, bu then again, it's Cleveland. The high rolling, carpetbagging, elitist class has left them to flounder while taking their money to places like Baltimore where the team is named for the visions of a white, albeit luny, poet.

True Patriots would stand beside the Brown team and endorse an Equal Opportunity Super Bowl and send the Browns in their place. Once again though, these Patriots are simply lip-service liberals who maintain their vested interests when they could be taking a huge step forward in uncivil football rights......especially when they don't really have a snowball's chance in hell.
