The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43567   Message #637535
Posted By: JedMarum
28-Jan-02 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Subject: RE: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
That reminds me. Yvette, the woman that owns/manages the club I played in Monroe LA this weekend told me a funny story.

The local powerhouse high school football team is the Monroe Rebels, and their school flag is the Stars and Bars. The school custom is for the mascot (a highly prized, sought after position) gets to run around the field with a huge school flag after the 'good guys' score. Yvette said she and a friend attended the game last Friday and after the first score her friend told her, "Now there's somethng you don't see everyday" pointing to the field. The school mascot was a young man of African American heritage, proudly waving his school banner around the stadium!