The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9720   Message #63806
Posted By: Vixen
17-Mar-99 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Fly Fishing
Subject: RE: Fly Fishing
Bats are a fairly common thing, actually, if you like to fish at dusk...and they will buzz your backcast. But I've never actually hooked one.

I had flying squirrels sailing out of the trees at me one night--and that was pretty weird. I had to take their picture so I could find out what they were, since my flashlight only showed me little eyes gleaming in the foliage. Eerie as hell. Water-haunting, even.

I'm signing off for the day--gotta go home and get some work done--ie music stuff! Maybe I'l stop by city hall and pick up my fishin' license!