The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43567   Message #638930
Posted By: LoopySanchez
30-Jan-02 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Subject: RE: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Quoth Spaw: "Once again though, these Patriots are simply lip-service liberals who maintain their vested interests when they could be taking a huge step forward in uncivil football rights..."

What do you expect Spaw, After all, The Patriots are from the home state of lip-service liberalism--Taxachusetts! :>)

(No, I'm not that dense, I get the parody... Hillarious stuff, Spaw!!!)

However, if the NFL were a truly civilized league, they'd make sure that the Eagles make the Super Bowl regularly due to their status as a protected species, as would the Buffalo Bills. The Redskins would make it to compensate for their years of betrayal at the hands of the so-called "Patriots". The Chiefs would get the occasional free pass for the same reason. The The Steelers would need to be given a free pass once every four years too--After all, most steel workers are union members, and you'd hate for them to switch their voter support from the NFL party to another one. The 49ers would never go--after all, why reward people who mine for gold and destroy mother earth? The Cowboys would stay home every year as well--Punishment for their abuse of those poor innocent bovines that they round up to be slaughtered.