The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43567   Message #638959
Posted By: catspaw49
30-Jan-02 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Subject: RE: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
I like the plan Loopy!! I think we could then do away with about half of the interminably long season along with a sizable number of teams. THEN we'd have a league that was once again small enough that only the very best would be playing. THEN we could impose some salary limits on it too. Give players a great retirement package and all, but cut the salaries from the ridiculous levels and then those who didn't want to play for say, $300,000 per year could sell Buicks instead.

I propose we adopt the same plan for baseball and basketball and if the hockey or soccer leagues go nuts, we'll sit on their asses too. This would make tickets affordable and nobody's season would overlap on both sides.

Glad I'm not king huh? I just get so disgusted with the whole thing though.................Sorry..Rant over.
