The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43567   Message #639164
Posted By: Rick Fielding
31-Jan-02 - 01:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Subject: RE: BS: Do Patriots Have a Chance
Thread creep (no I don't mean you Spaw)

The greatest moment I've ever had in the NFL (well on TV anyway)

"The snow was coming down...BLANK lines up for the field's the kick...49 yards, and through the uprights. The GIANTS win!

I was a little kid, but that kicker became my hero. anybody know who it was?

Biggest disappointment....That little fucker Flutie really CAN'T pass over an NFL defensive line! (he was great in Toronto and Vancouver where the defensive lines are (on average) three inches shorter. Oh, he also had sure handed receivers on the teams he played for here...he didn't get a lot of help in San Diego...'specially from the running game. I can never mention his name again as long as I live.
