The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43746   Message #640444
Posted By: CarolC
02-Feb-02 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Men and the porcine element
Subject: Men and the porcine element
I have a male friend who insists that men are pigs. I told him that I don't think men are pigs, but he said, "it's nice of you to say that but, yes, they are."

I know my son is not a pig. He's a fine and honorable young man.

Here's my question. Well, questions, actually. The first two are for the men to answer if they would be so good...

First of all, what do you think my friend means by "pig" in this context. What is it about men that makes them pigs (if in fact they are)?

Second, do you think men are pigs?

And third (for anyone to answer), to add a musical element to this thread, does anyone have any good songs about pigs they would like to share, whether they are in support of my friend's contention or not?
