The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43746   Message #640739
Posted By: WyoWoman
02-Feb-02 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men and the porcine element
Subject: RE: BS: Men and the porcine element
I know just as many women who are unpleasant, short-tempered, rude, conniving and disingenuous, etc. as I know men who are all the above. Generally, however, their goals in using those particular weapons are different -- men do it for sex or some version thereof, women do it for security in various guises.

At our worst, men are stupid, but women are mean.

That said, I know just as many men who are delightful and fun and warm as I know women who are. We do tend to see things differently, and to approach situations from different directions, which can create some problems in communication. And men are more often commitment-phobes, and the SECOND many of them get a whiff that something's expected of them, they shut down or go away. This gets very old. But women have hidden agendas that we aren't straight about, which muddies the communication waters.

Complicated, yes? Compassion and rigorous speaking and listening are the only ways I can see to keep the wheels greased. And, oh, the delights when they ARE ...
