The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43787   Message #642475
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Feb-02 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: Get Well Aine!!! PART 2
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
This is like some comedy of fucking errors, I swear! Sorry, I know I am not nearly as frustrated and discouraged as Dear Hubby and Aine, but I had to say that!

Just got off the phone with her. After getting her up, in the car and all the way to the ortho, who had been highly recommended to them by a co-worker who went to him, they got there only to find out that his office doesn't accept their insurance, so all they could do was get in the car and go back home. They DO have an appt. with an ortho, tomorrow, about 1245p Texas time, who does accept her insurance. She is still in very terrible pain and I told her I wished I could go down there and kick some ass.

I cannot believe these quacks (sorry Dr. Mark, not painting all with a broad brush here, being very specific!)have left her to live with SO much pain for almost 4 weeks now without any kind of decent relief. She cannot walk, cannot lie down, is not getting any sleep. This is more than a person should be expected to endure in this day and age! I hope the doc tomorrow is cut from a different cloth and can understand and help her with some kind of immediate stop-gap for the pain, at least!

Aine, when you read this, I hope you are lots better and will forgive my soapbox...luvyadarlin'
