The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43910   Message #643599
Posted By: Kaleea
06-Feb-02 - 01:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: House mate and flatulance...what to do?!
Subject: RE: BS: House mate and flatulance...what to do?!
Dear catsphidle. Yes, our beloved kitties can at times be a trifle stressful on our poor, overworked souls. Might I humbly reccommend that you might invest in one of those kitty tower & play sets which are built of smushboard & covered with carpet & have many things to keep kitties amused for hours. I know of some who rub catnip on the thing liberally at bedtime, and the kitties are amused and then, after tiring out, settle down for the night. One can, of course, go to bed & close the door, which will upset them at first but they will eventually get over it. And, of course, one should always confer with one's veterinarian to see if there is a biological reason for the flatulant behavior. Perhaps a change in the nutrients, or some kitty greens growing (a mixture of catnip/peppermint/grass is what my 18 1/2 year old kitty loves) might give the kitties a bit more roughage to keep, shall we say, clean as a whistle.