The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43919   Message #643664
Posted By: GUEST,PaulM
06-Feb-02 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Game: Googlewhacking!
Subject: New Game: Googlewhacking!
This was brought to my attention by a recent article in the Independent newspaper.

The basic rules of the game are to use the Google search engine to find two words which when entered, bring up one, and only one result.

Some additional rules, from this page (The site was down, so I've linked to Google's cached version):

1. Googlefactors must exist in this dictionary. It's so easy to confirm: Google does the work! In the blue bar atop your Google results, accepted terms are linked to, and so appear 'underlined.' No line, no link = Googlethud!

2. Google also is the arbiter of a whack's uniqueness. Look to the right end of the blue bar atop your Google results. If you see "Results 1 - 1 of (any number),' you found exactly one hit = Googlewhack!

3. Google shows you an excerpt of the page you whacked. Look at that text. If it's merely a list of words, No Whack For You!

Phrases in quotes shouldn't be used, and I think an additional rule should be to ban geneology pages, which are just a list of names.

My best result so far: fennish trek
