The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9742   Message #64381
Posted By: skarpi Iceland
19-Mar-99 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: How many of us play in a traditional band.
Subject: RE: How many of us play in a tradional band.
Lonesome EJ, I dont drink strong wines, thats it. Akaviti is just for those who wants to forget a bad day or a memory. But if I tell you the truth I dont drink while I am playing, I sing almost every song in the program and we have about 70 songs and instrumental. So between songs I drink the best water in the world Ice cold Icelandic pure water, and that is the truth. The next best is after I have done the playing is o fcourse cold GUINNES BEER. How ever I did not start this to talk about drinking.So on we go, and talk about our bands. sl n go foil, dia quit. skarpi Iceland