The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43903   Message #643840
Posted By: SharonA
06-Feb-02 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cats in bottles???
Subject: RE: BS: Cats in bottles???
This is way beyond a sick joke. There are detailed instructions on that Bonsai Kitten website that some people are likely to take seriously. I don't care how trustful the kittens look (kittens ARE trustful); stuffing them into jars for the purpose of taking "funny" pictures is cruel. In particular, the picture of the Siamese cat crammed into the glass container with a hand holding an electric drill up to its face is especially disturbing. And the directions to give a cat barbiturates and other chemicals (with amounts specified) – not to mention the little detail about sealing the cat's anus with Super Glue – are downright dangerous. The "Kids' Page" is scary, too (with instructions to make a Christmas card by first taking a picture of a cat stretched out by a plastic apparatus, with its feet bound) – how likely is it that every child reading it will understand the concept of "tongue-in-cheek" humor?.

There are too many sick, stupid adults and impressionable children out there who will take it into their minds to try some of the methods described. Let's just hope that none of them finds out about the Bonsai Kittens site through this thread (for instance, I wouldn't put it past some of our flaming GUESTs to be abusive toward animals since they're abusive toward other humans).
