The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43948   Message #644981
Posted By: GutBucketeer
07-Feb-02 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: ok, a washtub bass IS easy to make, but.
Subject: RE: Help: ok, a washtub bas IS easy to make, but.
Hi guys:

I've been playing the gutbucket for some time now. The only thing that I do that's unusual is use a cross piece at the bottom.

Wow, I would love to see and play some of the inventions described here. I've actually looked for a small bass drum before, but haven't been able to find one that someone is willint to part with cheap. JohninKansas, your double tub bass sounds fascenating. Especially the tunable head...sort of like the kettle drum of basses. :-)

Be sure to check out the other threads on washtubs and gutbuckets. There have been several with good descriptions of materials to use and different designs.

Keep on thumpin!


P.S. Anyone in the Washington D.C. area that want to play jugband and other old music from the 10s 20s and 30s I'm ready anytime, anyplace (within driving range)