The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43948   Message #645047
Posted By: Blackcatter
07-Feb-02 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: ok, a washtub bass IS easy to make, but.
Subject: RE: Help: ok, a washtub bas IS easy to make, but.
I'll tell you, I'm tempted to take my old small bass and turn it into an upright bass, but I really like it as a drum. I'd love to hear how one sound, I guess before I do it - I have to admit, the "metal" sound of the washtub is a limitation and I'd love more volume. I'm going to have to think about this.

Encouragement and tips would be appreciated! - Do you have sound holes on the drum body for volume (I need that for the washtub)

Thanks for reviving this discussion.