The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9765   Message #64547
Posted By: Ferrara
20-Mar-99 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Las Mananitas (Mexican birthday song)
Subject: RE: Need Lyrics:Mex. wedding song:Los Mananitas
Hi, Rob. You didn't say how soon you need the song. I was tied up all day yesterday, I'll type them in today or tomorrow. I'd like to learn it myself. But would it work for me to snail-mail you the sheet music? That way you'd have tune and all, and see how the tune fits the words. There's a lot of elision (?), ie the last syllable of one word is combined with first syllable of next word on a single note. Same thing happens with Italian songs. - R. Ferrara