The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43787   Message #645719
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Feb-02 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: Get Well Aine!!! PART 2
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
I talked with Aine this evening and she is certainly appreciative of all the support from her many friends here at the 'Cat!!


She is in much better shape. Her voice is almost normal and she laughed a lot too! She has some good meds which are relieving some of the pain but moreover I think she feels better because she can see light at the end of the tunnel. We all know how much better a person can feel because decisions have been made. In Aine's case, she went for so long with no diagnosis and after being hassled around, she has found a doctor she trusts and says he has a sense of humor to boot! Now, after all the diagnosis and decisions have been made, it helps the mind a lot simply by being able to see an end to the pain! She went in for the pre-op testing today and was even able to stand well enough to get an x-ray.

Her surgery is scheduled for 8 AM next Wednesday so in less than a week relief will be at hand. Everyone seems confident and Aine's attitude couldn't be better. Today we even talked about other things including birdwatching! And that patented laugh can be heard which shows just how much better and how ready she is. Let's keep the good thoughts headin' for Texas folks!!!!
