The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44087   Message #646832
Posted By: little john cameron
10-Feb-02 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: psychology of flamers.
Subject: RE: psychology of flamers.
No,i disagree that flamers are assholes.There is,IMO, a direct connection with psychopathic behaviour.The vast majority of psychopaths are harmless as they are fortunately not in a position of power.They are usually highly intelligent and under the right circumstances can rise to important positions.
Flamers on the other hand would seem to be,like psychopaths,lacking a conscience among other psychological aberrations.Posting annoying and divisive messages give them a feeling of power.
The advent of the internet has allowed this side of their personality to manifest itself without fear of repercussions.As i said before this is a new phenomenon,prior to the internet the only other outlet would be letters to the editor or so called poison pen letters,both of which can be traced.Internet messages also can be traced but it is not worth the bother unless they are dangerous or subversive.
O,what a tangled web we weave etc. ljc