The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9756   Message #64712
Posted By: Ferrara
21-Mar-99 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Best /Worst Job List
Subject: RE: Best /Worst Job List
Well, I don't think I've ever had a good job, I've temped as typist and word processor for short stints, but was a computer programmer/analyst for 28 years. *Not* what I should have been doing. I'm convinced that computers, not the bomb, are going to destroy the fabric of society. All the best and brightest are sucked into the vacuum maw of the computer industry, leaving other areas to accept less and less qualified people for lower and lower salaries. This deep thought occurred to me yesterday after a frustrating encounter with a very pleasant but not-too-sharp hospital tech who caused me much discomfort.

If I ever have to go back to work, I'd like to sell my original crafts. "Wouldn't everybody?" I hear you say. Well, I can dream, can't I?

Hey, balladsinginSue! Glad to see you here! -- But your screen name is a little long, would you mind if I shortened it to ball'inSue? (DONT get the wrong idea anybody, Sue's been a friend for more than 20 years. Among other noble traits, she's a fine unaccompanied singer.)