The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9821   Message #64765
Posted By: Art Thieme
21-Mar-99 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Billy Venero / Bill Vanero
Subject: RE: ADD LYR PLEASE: Billy Venero
Katey, This was originally "The Epic Ride of Paul Venerez" by poet Eban Rexford from Shioctin, Wisconsin. It went West & got a tune--then ceme back East & was found, with it's new tune, by a song collector for the Library of Congress Archive of Folksong, in Rice Lake, Wisconsin---about 10 miles from it's origin. This is the true wonder of the tradition, the folk process, that makes this wondrous treasure hunt so enthralling for me.

Art Thieme

P.S.---I put a version of this (some shorter than your printed text) on my first LP---me live at the Old Town School of Folk Music--around '75 or '76... It's one of my favorite songs.

Music in the Wild 1988 Art Thieme (Full Session)