The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44126   Message #647732
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
11-Feb-02 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: Stony Stratford Guests
Subject: RE: Stony Stratford Guests
Nobody thinks "Members good GUESTS bad", Malcolm. There are some nasty characters who make use of the GUEST mechanism to play silly games (and some of them are probably members) and it looks like a change in the access arrangements to the Mudcat may be the only way to avoid some abuses. (And one of the tricks in the game is the claim that there is antagonism towards GUESTS as such, - and time after time people fall for it. But it just ain't true.)

Open House, such as we were able to have at York House this weekend is fine - unless and until people turn up who want to wreck the place. If that had happened and the arrangements had needed to be tightened up for our safety and conbtinued enjoyment, it wouldn't have meant that we weren't welcomed as visitors. It just so happens we seem to have got to that stage with the Cat.