The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44151   Message #648455
Posted By: Ebbie
12-Feb-02 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: if charged, would you leave...
Subject: RE: BS: if charged, would you leave...
I would- and do- contribute periodically. I'm one of those persons who does not like monthly bills so I tend to pay ahead. Knowing how important this site is to me, I would pay if charged.

On the other hand, if I were new, I would NOT pay in order to check it out- and that means I would require an extended period of time free of charge.

I agree with the concept of requiring registration in order to start threads. We can (HA!) always ignore the occasional irrelevant or unpleasant or vicious post inside a given thread...

One thing that has not been discussed is whether it would be possible for a whatever-reason-nonmember to PM a member and request that a certain thread be started so that s/he could request info or contribute the same. If that is possible to do, might it not be a good suggestion on the banner or on the Newcomers' thread?
