The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44151   Message #649091
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
13-Feb-02 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: if charged, would you leave...
Subject: RE: BS: if charged, would you leave...
Not if it was a reasonable fee. $5 or $10 for the year. And this would at least put a damper on some of the fighting as those folks could be restricted, or booted, and then if they chose to come back under another name they would be supporting the forum even more. There could also be a trial period that was free so folks could check it out and determine for themselves whether or not it was a space in time worth the registration fee.

This argument is so much like the debate of 1859 - 60 in the South. The Confederacy decided that contributions were better than outright taxation. Didn't work so well for them.

And anyone who believes anything is free is at best in denial of reality. Everything costs something. And if there are other resources out there then use them. That is the beauty of the world. For the most part if I don't like something I can choose to leave and go elsewhere.
