The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44186   Message #649458
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Feb-02 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
Fascinating! I never expected to see Sri Chinmoy's name show up on the Mudcat, but I am learning what a universal place this really is.

It's "Chinmoy", by the way...not "Chimnoy", so I guess you are in no danger at all of getting sued for slander! :-)

What's really interesting about this is, I had recently heard through a completely separate source (a spiritual seeker) that Sri Chinmoy was not all he claimed to be...

I've been studying with a group which was actually a Sri Chinmoy group some years back, maybe as recently as 2 years ago...they have since dropped their affiliation to Sri Chinmoy, and are going instead directly to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Mira Alfassa), who were the original teachers in Pondicherry where Chinmoy was a disciple. The Pondicherry Ashram seems to be a very interesting place, and I have a friend over there right now visiting it.

I'm not an official member of either outfit (Aurobindo or Chinmoy), just an interested observer who is reading some of the Aurobindo materials, which are extensive, and very impressive. No one has tried to get large amounts of money out of me, nor have I encountered any problems like that. I have never actually attended a Sri Chinmoy gathering, just heard references to same from these people in the study group.

I was really very surprised to see the name Chinmoy (even if misspelled) appearing on Mudcat. I guess this means Chinmoy...or "Chimnoy" if you prefer...has hit the BIG TIME! (having garnered the attention of the folk music community) :-)

- LH