The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44242   Message #650291
Posted By: GUEST,Gene
14-Feb-02 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Wayne Raney songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: wayne raney songs
They say the love bug will get you at the age of 43
I'm not tellin' my age but somethin' got a-hold of me
I'm just cravin' some lovin' in the old-fashioned way
So honey lend an ear and listen to what I have to say
Why don't you haul off and love me one more time
[Why don’t you] squeeze me until I’m turnin' blind
If you don’t haul off and love me like I want you to do
I'm gonna haul off and die over you

So honey come a little closer put your little hand in mine
Let me feel the matrimony runnin' up and down my spine
Let me feel your arms around me 'cause it feels [so nice and fine]
It feels mighty close to heaven when your love is on the line.


From memory but I do have the record & CD...
Will post correct lyrics later....

HTML line breaks added in place of double spacing. --JoeClone, 16-Feb-02.